The biography of Orlando is a series of life events, similar to the biography of the (anti-)hero of a picaresque novel. Orlando's life is the essence of the Androgynous soul condensed into a single moment..

Based on Virginia Woolf's novel of the same name by Máté Hirsch, Orsolya Fodor and Zsófia Bódi. Orsolya Fodor's thesis is a site-specific performance, set in the privately owned Kincsem Palota in the heart of the city centre, where the audience can follow the story of Orlando over hundreds of years, getting to know a fragment of his/her life and personality in a room. A film version of the performance, captured in one cut, is still available. In 2021, the film version won eSzínház Festival's Best Visuals Award (designed by Nóra Vermes and Csilla Csiszér).

"...the view, interpreted as a spatial storybook, creates an atmosphere of melancholy that literally engulfs the viewer. The space pulses and throbs. The space and the objects in it animate and determine the course of Orlando's actions. Just as the sugar cubes, crushed by the now-female Orlando, squeeze in and disappear between the parquet strips on the palace floor, Orlando themselves also dissolve in the objects that define their environment. By walking out of the space at the very end of the action sequences and breaking away from the objects, they give themselves to us, the observers. The realisation that we have been left alone is shockingly terrifying. [...] To be present in a given space and time, to be present in the moment, is not an easy task, it is a challenge." Revizor Online.

Bartos Ágnes, Barna Lilla, Dénes Emőke, Nagyabonyi Emese, Tóth Zsófia, Gyabronka József, Király Dániel, Major Erik, Szacsvai István

Costume: Csiszér Csilla
Scenery: Vermes Nóra
Adaptation: Hirsch Máté
Dramaturge: Bódi Zsófia
Choreography: Barna Lilla
Music: Csernovszky Márk and Frank Toma
Harp: Ferge Lizi
Lute: Töreky Bori
Piano and drums: Csernovszky Márk
Accordion: Frank Toma
Hairdresser: Zsupkó László
Light technician: Major Mátyás
Sound by: Keresztény Bonaventúra and Horváth Ábel
Photographed by: Farkas Áron and Sípos Bence
Focus puller: Nemes Sándor
Photographs: Cseke Tamás, Todoroff Lázár
Production manager: Szabó Flóra Bernadett
Assistant director: Aradi Fanni
Directed by: Fodor Orsolya

Full recording with english subtitle

Press coverage:
Darvay Botond: Térbeli melankólia
Dezső Luca: Mindig Orlando
Interjú: „Az Orlando egy négyszáz éves felnövéstörténet”